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Yeshe Khorlo Ningmapa Buddhist Center

無上密續之大悲闇盡明燈紅觀音  超薦法會
The Great Compassionate One, the Remover of Darkness – Red Chenrezig
Chang Chog Puja

Venue: Gangteng Buddhist University


過去蓮師親自授記之伏藏王共有五位, 而貝瑪林巴尊者乃五大伏藏王之首,之所以稱為伏藏王是因為能取出上師成就法類、大圓滿成就法類、以及觀音成就法類,因此成為眾伏藏師中之王者,並且貝瑪林巴尊者亦是南伏藏之主,而此尊大悲闇盡明燈觀音即貝瑪林巴尊者所取出之觀音成就法,屬無上密阿底瑜珈之紅觀音,儀軌中記載此觀音之功德如下:

This is one of the three main Termas revealed by Pema Lingpa and it has been recorded that this great Chenrezig Compassion practice is like the lamp that illuminates darkness, thereby eradicating suffering and obstacles to bring forth immense benefits and happiness. The benefits of the recitation of Chenrezig’s mantra, ‘OM MANI PADME HUM HRIH’ are immeasurable. Owing to the great Compassion of Chenrezig, this practice not only benefits all sentient beings in the six realms and those in the Bardo, it also purifies one’s Body, Speech and Mind, all transgressions, defilements and negative karma, thereby allowing one to leave the suffering and darkness, accumulate extensive merits, and ultimately achieve Enlightenment. Hence, the Vajra Masters will perform this puja as a guide to those who perplexed and confused in the Bardo, so as to be on the right path.

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